Surrounded by all sides by the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, White Sands National Park stands as the largest gypsum dunefield on Earth. White Sands was designated a national monument in 1933 and was upgraded to a national park in 2019. We decided to check out this fairly new park and David, a former student of Matt’s, and his wife Amber met us there.
It turned out that Amber grew up close to the park and had all of the local information and experience so we followed her and David through the park to a fabulous sledding sight. We waxed our sleds and started soaring down the dunes. We had a great time sledding, catching up with David, and getting to know Amber. The temperature was increasing and after several sled runs, we decided to go into town to eat. After a lovely late lunch, we had to say our goodbyes to Amber and David.
We headed back to the park during the early evening hours to go to the visitor’s center, do more sledding, go on a short nature walk and watch the sunset. Although we only spent a day at White Sands, we enjoyed spending time with David and Amber, learning about the formation of the dunes and playing in the sand.

Great pics! Dune sledding looks fun!