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    After 49 nights away, we made it back in our home state of Delaware. This year we were blessed to see our parents, sister Kathleen and brother-in-law Steve, sister Kristin and brother-in-law Logan, sister Amber and brother-in-law Jon, niece Katie, nephew Josh and the Blackwell family. Matt drove coast to coast which included 17 states. We visited 2 countries, 5 National Forests, 1 State Park, 1 National Monument, 1 National Historical Landmark and 2 National Parks. The summer of 2023 will go down as the most unpredictable. We had 6 cancelled camping reservations, one seven-day in bed sickness (Eli), one broken hose in the bathroom, a broken black tank washout hose, 3 holes in the camper roof membrane, a lost sway bar, and a truck that was in the shop for 28 days. Despite the unpredictable, we are still grateful for the time to see family and relax in amazing places.

God has created beautiful places in this country, go out and see them!!!


28 days at the dealer…thank goodness for Dad Oliver’s truck!

Broken hose in the bathroom.

Broken hose for the black tank wash out.

fixing the holes in the roof.

Snowshoe, West Virginia

            Eli and Matt had so much fun downhill mountain biking in Mammoth that we decided to make Snowshoe Bike Park, in West Virginia our last summer stop. Snowshoe has nearly 40 trails and a decent of 1,500 feet. The town is on top of the mountain which allows you to ride down and take the chairlift back up. The boys geared up on Eli’s birthday for a full day of bike runs. When I asked Eli about the biking he said, “Very fun. Very tiring. Almost died.” Sounds like a great 15th birthday, don’t you think?

Eli riding

Ready to go!

Riding the lift back up

Our campsite

Green River Lakes, Wyoming

We drove through Pinedale, Wyoming, as we left the Grand Tetons last summer. Matt saw the mountains there and started doing some research. He stumbled upon the headwaters of the Green River, which eventually runs down into the Colorado River. To get there meant a two-hour ride on a rough dirt road, but he talked me into it!

           We hung around Mammoth Lakes, CA, as long as we could, hoping to hear that our truck was finished, but even after a few extra days, they were still waiting on parts. So, instead of heading north to the Sawtooth Mountains in Idaho, we cancelled our campsite and headed straight for Wyoming using Dad’s truck. The first night we made a quick stop in Nevada, and the second night we stayed in Pinedale, Wyoming, at the Yellowstone RV Campground. While making an online reservation, the system asked me if I would like to “add on” a hot tub to be delivered to our campsite. I went for it! How often do you get to sit in a hot tub at your campsite?

           The following day we set off for the Green River, and after a very long two hours on a terrible dirt road, we made it! The payoff was a gorgeous lake and very few people! We set up camp, went to the lake, and waited for my sister, Kathleen, and brother-in-law, Steve, to arrive. The week was spent fishing, hiking, eating in our bug-free tent, floating down the river, playing cards, and sitting by the fire. We loved having Steve and Kath’s dog Ozzy with us through the week. One day we hiked to Upper Green Lake, which was beautiful despite the rain. The following day we hiked to Porcupine Falls, and although we didn’t get a good view of the falls, it was still a fun day together.

           The week was relaxing, and it felt weird but wonderful not to be connected to cell service for nearly seven days. Unfortunately, as we headed back into Pinedale, a deer jumped in front of Steve and Kath’s car. Thankfully they were okay, but the car was not, and it was a disappointing way to end our time together. They were able to drive it, and they made it home safely.

Korin floats down the Green River

Yes, I did order a hot tub to be delivered to our campsite the night before we left for Green River Lakes!

After two hours on a dirt road, we finally made it!


Eli floating on the lake.

Steve, Matt and Eli floating down the river.

Sitting by the fire

Steve with one of the many fish he caught throughout the week.

….more fishing….

Doing what he loves to do…

Kathleen sketched Matt as he was fishing!

Nice fish Eli!

Steve fishing in his float tube early at dawn

Here we go! Off to the upper lake!

Eating lunch at Upper Green River Lake

Square Top Mountain

Ozzy, the hiker dog

Looking for a view of Porcupine Falls

Mammoth Lakes, California

   Mammoth Lakes is in the eastern Sierra Mountains. Matt and I grew up vacationing in Mammoth, as it is a fan favorite for both of our families. We were excited to meet Matt’s parents, my parents, Matt’s sister Amber and her family, and my sister Kristin and her husband Logan at this stop.

           When we returned to California from San Jose del Cabo, we learned that our truck was still not repaired and that our following two campgrounds were closed due to record-breaking snow. We scrambled to find another campground with my parents and headed there in Matt’s dad’s truck. After arriving, Eli started to feel sick. Not exactly the family reunion we were hoping for, but we did the best we could.

We headed to Convict Lake for fishing and hiking on the first full day. The next day, Dad Oliver rented a pontoon boat and took people out on Lake Mary while Kristin, Logan, and I went to the Hot Springs. The following day, Kristin, Logan, Mom Masselink, and I took the gondola to the top of Mammoth Mountain while the Olivers went to June Lake. We spent a whole day at Rock Creek Lake with the Olivers to beat the heat. Our nights were spent playing cards and Catan!

After a few days, we changed campsites with my parents and stayed in Upper Pine Grove Campground while the rest of the crew headed home. We spent time fishing in Rock Creek Lake, playing Catan, and having campfires. At this point, Eli was finally starting to feel better. Soon, my parents headed to Big Bear, and it was just the three of us again. We completed a beautiful hike in the Little Lakes Valley to Long Lake, and the following day Matt and Eli did some downhill mountain biking while I caught up on UD school work.

We stopped and hiked through the Ancient Bristlecone Pines in the White Mountains on our way out of the Mammoth area. Matt had always wanted to stop here and finally got the chance! The trees are the oldest in the world and are more than 4,000 years old! The deadwood record goes back more than 10,000 years. We had great views of the Sierras as we completed the Discovery Trail hike through the trees.       

At the top of Mammoth Mountain

Mammoth Lakes 2023

Matt dancing on Lake Mary

Kristin and Korin at the Hot Springs

Family Games!

At the top of Mammoth Mountain!

Eli with his grandparents!

Oliver Family


I’ll take all the hugs from this teen that I can!

Matt and his dad fishing

On our way to Long Lake

Long Lake

Top of the mountain

Downhill mountain biking

Ancient Bristlecone Pine

You have no idea how happy he is in this picture!

San Jose del Cabo, Mexico

            We typically start talking about our summer plans during Thanksgiving break. This year Eli asked if we could somehow include more surfing into the itinerary. We reached out to our friends from college, Shelley and Jeremiah, for some ideas on surf spots in Mexico. They invited us down to San Jose del Cabo where they have a house in walking distance to a well-known surf spot. We jumped at the chance to spend time with them and their four boys in a beautiful surf area.

            After nearly missing our flight due to Southern California traffic, we arrived at Shelley and Jeremiah’s house. They quickly showed us around and took us down to the beach. There, we met Shelley’s Mom, brother, sister-in-law and nephew who were staying at a condo right on the water. As we jumped into the warm water and knew that the week would be unforgettable. Not only did Shelley and Jeremiah give us their bedroom, but they also cooked for us (breakfast, lunch and dinner), and brought us all over the city. They were truly the best hosts. I spent the week watching the surf, reading, enjoying the sunshine, catching up with our friends and relaxing. Matt spent the week surfing, fishing, and hanging out. Eli spent the week surfing, making new friends, surfing, playing lots of Poker, and Chess, surfing and swimming. While we were there, we went to Nine Palms surf spot, ate at Hangman’s Restaurant (twice), and snorkeled at Playa el Chileno.

We had open minds of what the week would be like, and it definitely exceeded our expectations! A huge thank you to Shelley, Jeremiah, the boys and her family. We had a wonderful time and hope to be back again.

9 Palms

The house!

View from Jill’s (Grammy) condo on the beach!

Shelley and Jeremiah’s back porch

On our way to 9 Palms surf spot

9 Palms

9 Palms

Matt, Jeremiah and Ryan getting ready to fish!




Dinner #2 at Hangman’s

Yosemite National Park

           During past summer road trips, we have had to change our plans on the fly, and this summer has been no exception. The truck started making a strange noise after we left Sand Dunes National Park, and we decided to head for Visalia, CA, where Matt’s parents live. In doing so, we had to skip the north rim of the Grand Canyon, where we were planning to meet my parents. We pushed on and thankfully made it to Visalia without a breakdown.

           Those who know California’s geography know how close Visalia is to Yosemite National Park. We had been watching posts for months about Yosemite waterfalls being spectacular due to the record-breaking snow the Sierra Mountains received this winter. Once we knew we would be in Visalia for a few days, I jumped onto the internet while Matt was driving and scored a tent in Yosemite’s Curry Village for two nights! **BONUS PARK!!!** Getting a camping site, hotel, or tent more than six months in advance is challenging, so I’m sure we benefited from someone else’s cancellation.

           We parked the trailer, and thanks to my in-laws, we left Eli and my nephew Josh to be spoiled by their grandparents in Visalia. Soon into the drive to Yosemite, we realized that this was our first trip sans kids in several years!

           As always, Yosemite National Park did not disappoint. As we came into the valley, we noticed waterfalls we had never seen before due to the immense snow melt. We stopped at Bridalveil Falls and were amazed at the water coming down. Once we settled into our tent, we had pizza and wine for dinner. Since there was still some light left, we headed over to the Mist Trail and got as far as the bridge before it was too dark to go any further.

           Early the following day, we took the shuttle bus to the upper Yosemite Falls trailhead. The hike took the entire day, and we were rewarded with breathtaking views of the valley and the waterfall. As we were hiking down, we stopped at one of the switchbacks to have a snack. The view from that switchback was one of the best I have ever seen. We sat there, talking and taking in the view for quite a while! It’s in moments like this that I realize how truly blessed I am.

           Neither of us wanted to leave the following day, but we were excited to get on the road and head down to Thousand Oaks to see the Nungesters. We stopped back in Visalia and drove south towards LA with Matt’s parents. That night we had a late Father’s Day celebration and enjoyed spending time together.

Yosemite Valley 2023

Bridalveil Falls

Matt in front of our tent in Curry Village

The Mist Trail at sunset

Hiking the Upper Yosemite Falls trail

Matt half way up the trail!

Matt taking time to smell the Ponderosa Pines

Matt at the top!

I made it to the top!

We made it!

Beautiful sunrise as we headed south

Cedar Breaks National Monument


Blog by: Korin

After Almont, CO, we were supposed to meet my parents at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Unfortunately, we started to hear engine noise, and after having a mechanic look at it, we decided that we would have to skip the Grand Canyon and head straight for California. We were all disappointed, including my parents! We headed west and looked for an alternative stop for the night. Cedar Breaks National Monument was along our route, and we found an open campsite at Cedar Breaks RV Resort. After a long day of driving, we ate a quick dinner and headed out to explore and catch the sunset.

           Cedar Breaks National Monument is in southwestern Utah. The monument has dramatic geological formations, vibrant-colored cliffs, hoodoos, spires, and cliffs. The main attraction is the amphitheater, a large natural bowl-shaped formation stretching over three miles long and a half mile deep. When we left the trailer, it was 85 degrees, and as we came to the first vista point, the temperature was 65! We took in the views, and before you knew it, the boys were in a full-on snowball fight. I tried to stay out of it but got caught in the crossfire! The night ended with a warm campfire and spectacular stargazing.

We made it to Cedar Breaks National Monument!

We made it in time for sunset!

The boys

Beautiful scenery

Josh enjoying the sunset

Eli and Korin right before the snowball fight

Almont, Colorado

Blog by: Josh

After Great Sand Dunes National Park, we travelled to the beautiful town of Almont, Colorado. We pulled into our camping site and set up camp. Then, Uncle Matt went on a wading fishing trip on the Taylor River. He caught 3 fish and said that the fish were swimming all around his feet! While he was fishing, Eli and I walked around and threw the football. Then we made up a game where we had to knock over a chess piece that was placed on a big rock using small rocks, all from our camp chairs; it was hard! When Uncle Matt got back he told us fishing stories and we had dinner. Then Eli and I washed the dishes while Aunt Korin and Uncle Matt went for a run. The next day, Eli, Uncle Matt and I got up early to go on a fishing trip down the Gunnison River with our guide, Skylar. We drove to a boat ramp and set off down the river. We all caught a LOT of fish but a lot got away. The trip was SO much fun! We made jokes, ate food and fished. While were away Aunt Korin worked on her class assignments. When we came back, we relaxed, and drove into Crested Butte for dinner. Overall, Almont is now one of my top 10 favorite towns.

Josh and Eli getting ready to fish down the Gunnison River

Josh with a fish

Floating down the river

Matt with a fish

Josh with a fish!

Eli with a fish

Matt with a fish

Josh with a fish

Dinner in Crested Butte, CO

Great Sand Dunes National Park

Blog Post: Eli

            After West Virginia, we stopped in Indiana to see some friends of my Uncles. Kathy, Jim, Phil and Jen were great hosts with beautiful homes right on Grandview Lake. We were able to jet ski, have a night ride on their boat, and sit in their lakeside hot tub! We had a nice night and were thankful for their hospitality. The next day we made our way to my Auntie Kat and Steve’s house in Missouri. After meeting their new dog Ozzie, we had a Kansas City BBQ for dinner. My dad took my Uncle Bubba to the airport the next morning and we drove a few hours to get to a stop over campsite in Kansas.

The next day, we arrived at Great Sand Dunes National Park and were early enough to rent a sled and two sandboards. I feel like I am on Tatooine when I’m at Great Sand Dunes, and I was excited for my cousin Josh to experience this other world. Once we set the trailer up, we made our way across the river to the dunes. This was my third time to the dunes, and I was eager to start sand boarding. Josh caught onto sand boarding quickly and after a few runs on the small hills, we started riding bigger ones. It was extremely fun and riding down the dunes was a blast. That night, we celebrated my Mom’s birthday with a big spaghetti dinner, salad, garlic toast and ice cream cookie sandwiches (her favorite).

On the second day, Josh and I headed out to sandboard in the morning. As the day went on, the wind picked up, so we headed back to camp. My parents hiked to Zapata Falls while Josh and I chilled out. That evening, my Dad and I went out and boarded together. Early the third morning, my Dad and I went out for some last runs. I was able to conquer Suicide Hill which is an extremely steep hill that had given me trouble in the past. We were happy that no one got hurt while we were sandboarding. The towering snow-covered mountaintops around us really made us feel small. Overall, it was an extremely fun experience for the entire family.

We made it to Great Sand Dunes National Park

Josh and Eli on the boat

Matt catches a fish in Grandview Lake

Eli and Josh get ready to head to the dunes

Eli sandboarding

Matt gets ready to sled down the dune

Josh sandboarding!

Eli sandboarding

Eli watching the sunset

Korin hiking to Zapata Falls

Matt and Korin hiking to Zapata Falls

Zapata Falls

Circleville, West Virginia: VIA FERRATA

Blog Post by: Josh and Eli

What you’re about to read about may be shocking, disturbing, and mildly annoying. The case files of the Via Ferrata have been a closely guarded secret until now. Reserved for only the most bloodthirsty of parents determined to kill their teens, their names: Teenager Terminators. These are their stories.

*Dun Dun*

*Switches to Josh: We wake up in the morning groggy but alive. We started our drive scared and wondering if we would make it back alive or in boxes. We were scared for our eventual death or injury.

*Switches to Eli: As the van doors open, Josh and I are thrown out and our blind folds are taken off. We’re forced to walk on the trail in the Appalachian Mountains, and we approach the two granite fins, that have claimed countless teenage lives. Josh exclaims, “No wonder we were brought here. I knew they were tired of us. Nefarious scally-wags.”

*Switches to Josh: We set off climbing straight up the trail, like sheep brought to the slaughter. We did not know when they would unclip us and push us down to our inevitable deaths. We come around the first turn and look down at the countless memorials of the fallen teens. Teen screams still echo throughout the canyon.

*Switches to Eli: “No wonder they brought us here, it’s where they could dispose bodies without getting noticed! There are countless memorials that no one could ever keep track of!” This couldn’t be happening. We thought this place was based on ghost stories we heard as kids. I look back at Josh and his face looks like a ghost. We had to find a way out and fast. But how? I quickly survey the area looking for anyway to escape, but then, “JOSH! We have to make it to the bridge!” We both nod as we frantically scramble for the bridge trying to get to the other side of the canyon.

*Switches to Josh: “Run before they get us!” We both start running fast, trying not to fall down the twelve hundred foot drop.

*Switches to Eli: The bridge starts to sway, and rock as we sprint across. The creaks echo through the canyon. Uncle Bubba had gained on us and was eager to cut the bridge ropes. We were going to have to jump for the edge. As we jump, I fall short, but Josh grabs my hand, and pulls me up. We had escaped, but now we had to survive the rest of Via Ferrata. “Let’s get this done.” Josh announces. We start to navigate the deteriorated trail as we come to grips that our own fathers were trying to kill us on Father’s Day. Hiking on the side of the mountain, I get sewing machine leg and my hands start to slip as I look down. Every step I take, the world seems to collapse around me. The creaking rungs and mind-numbing drops produces adrenaline that I can feel coursing through my veins. Each rung is a battle to hang on to. Through jagged rocks and cliffs, we press on. As we climb up, we see an opening. We pull ourselves up the final rung and both collapse next to each other. We were at the top. We had escaped the Via Ferrata and our fathers. Legend still has it that Teenage Terminators are still there today.

All in all the Via Ferrata although fun was an adrenaline inducing adventure that brought all of us to our limits. Overall, we would rate this adventure a 9/10 skulls, perfect for murdering your young teenagers.

Special Thanks to Michael Bay for making this movie-blog thingy a possibility.

The NRocks Via Ferrata Adventure begins!
Jon scaling the wall
Josh climbs upward
Korin turns the corner
Eli turns the corner
Korin almost at the bridge
Jon on the bridge
Matt climbing
Eli and Korin
Jon with the bridge in the background
Jon and Josh
We made it!
Tired boys
Matt enjoys his Father’s Day ice cream cookie sandwich